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These posters mainly introduce concepts in Age-Friendly Home, such as Mind-Friendly Home and GeronTech.

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AFH DIY Booklet

"Age-friendly Home DIY" is a reference book written by our team of occupational therapists. Based upon the experience of improving elders' home environment in the community, they share with seniors and caregivers how to create an "Age-friendly Home" suitable for safe senior living, with simple home design or modifications.

「智友善」標貼提示可有不同類型的用途,如提示物件擺放位置,提示日常自理的步驟等, 照顧者可因應患者能力及需要,設計不同類型的標貼提示。

Mind-Friendly Labels

People with dementia may experience certain level of memory loss and easy to get confused about the surrounding environment. Use of clear labels and signage can reduce this confusion. Labels may have different purposes, such as reminding the position of objects and the steps of daily living tasks etc.


Mind-Friendly Cards

The cards introduce the ways to help reduce risk factors for dementia, and to improve memory from various aspects, including diet, exercise, daily activity, home environment and mnemonic strategy.


Activity Schedule

Decline in cognitive ability on people with dementia can be decelerated through taking part in daily activities. Caregivers can set up an activity schedule and display in prominent position. It helps elderly maintain healthy lifestyle and social life.


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Downloadable Forms

Application form for ERC visit
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Application form for AFH Ambassador
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Application form for Co-venger
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Downloadable Leaflets

An Ideal Age-Friendly Home is a Home Sweet Home

PDF / Text-only

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre

PDF / Text-only

Age-friendly Home

PDF / Text-only

Mind-Friendly Home Exploration Centre

PDF / Text-only

Health Exploration Tours

PDF / Text-only

Guided Tours

PDF / Text-only

Experiential Tours

PDF / Text-only

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